A New Medal Of Honor

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SOCOM(Cupertino/California June 25 1976-June 28 2005)Alfa Platoon/SDVT2/SEAL Team 10,Sniper,Sonar Technician and PO 2nd Class,Matthew Gene Axelson "Axe"29,enlisted in Spartan01 Squad(KIA.USMC/Marine:Navy Seal Operator).He was awarded the U.S. Navy's highest decorations,the Navy Cross and the Purple Heart,for his actions during the mission on Sabray,Salar Ban,Abbas Ghar,Gatigal Sar and Sawtalo Sar,Pech District of Afghanistan's Kunar Province and Asadabad,Korengal Valley,Shuryek(Matin)Valley on the slopes of a mountain named Sawtalo Sar near Nangalam base,with the the main task to 'neutralize' or capture one of the most important terrorist leaders known as Shah that tragically failed.That day means the second largest loss for the seals in a single moment taking it from the beginning of the modern wars.Matt graduated from Monta Vista High School in 1994,attended San Diego State University for a year and graduated from the California State University Chico with a degree in political science.Axelson enrolled in the United States Navy in December 2000,and completed basic training at Naval Station Great Lakes.After finishing Sonar Technician Surface(STG)"A"School,he undertook Basic Underwater Demolition training (BUD/S) and graduated with Class 237 in Coronado.He went to the Army Airborne School,completed SEAL Qualification Training and then attended SEAL Delivery Vehicle School.Red Wings was a reconnaissance and surveillance counter-insurgency operation carried out by USAF.Delta Force and other branches of the Special Forces including Rangers refused the OP saying that the objective was too dangerous.The mission was compromised after goat herders discovered the seals and probably reported their location after they were released.An intense firefight ensued between the seals and the bigger enemy force then Danny,one of the four brothers in arms,was killed as a result of a gunshot wound to the head,becoming the first casualty.After Murphy,the seal who was in charge,moved to a clearing to get reception and call QRF for support using his SAT-phone,he was shot multiple times and succumbed due to his wounds.Later 8 seals,one of them being only 21,and 8(160th)SOAR Night Stalker crewmen boarded a chinook that was a part of the QRF Forces.As the aircraft(Turbine 33)arrived and the seals attempted to fast rope,an RPG which was fired maybe by a kid as a theory says,sadly hit the helicopter causing it to crash.Nobody survived.The 2 remaining seals from the ground were critically hurt like their fallen teammates,with a lot of injuries produced by the jumps and falls that the team took earlier.Marcus,the only member who got safe home and and his twin brother's best friend Axe who was almost blind found cover but after Axe told Marcus that he must save himself and live to tell his wife that he loved her later an RPG hit them again and they were separated.Axelson was severely wounded after taking the brunt of the initial attack with his brain visible.He suffered 2 gunshots to the head,one of those shots being horrific,he was also severely hit to the chest and died in a terrible way,alone and surrounded by the enemy.A brutal rumour said that he was also beheaded but no one can check or and confirm it.On July 10,2005,Axelson's body was discovered a few hundred yards away from the initial RPG explosion,nearly out of ammo and only with his P226 pistol,which is a sign that he continued to fight until the last breath.The tree that Matt was found on was named Axe's Tree and a few things were also named after him.He is remembered and he gets a tribute because of his memorial foundation too.Matthew was buried with full military honors at Glen Oaks Memorial Park in Chico.His brother Jeffery,wrote a book about him.Axelson married Cindy Oji in 2003,in Sacramento.His parents were Donna and Cordell.He had 17 military decorations,badges,patches and tabs.A movie was made named Lone Survivor with Ben Foster playing Axe,the film still being the most realistic war movie overall and a book about those events was written by Marcus whose son is also named Axe.Murphy received the Medal Of Honor,the United States government's highest and most prestigious military decoration after a long time without one of this medals earned by a seal.But the good intel is that who inform us that after a long debate the rest of the seals including Axe and even Marcus could get the medal because they had distinguished themselves by acts of valor too.

This is a satirical website. Don't take it Seriously. It's a joke.

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