Mandatory Voting Law

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In recent times many Americans have been asking themselves this question: should mandatory voting laws be enacted in the United States. I can tell you that after research and analysis, compulsory voting in the United States would be a failure because of voter incompetence, mandatory voting satisfies a specific political agenda and the unconstitutional nature of such a mandate.
First of all, while every qualified American citizen has the right to vote, the majority are not capable of making an educated decision. To illustrate this point, according to Jared Meyer, contributor of Forbes and Ilya Somin, author and professor at George Mason University, just 34 of qualified American voters can even name the three branches of government. It is not the familiarity of these terms that is so important; however, it is still a clear indicator of political competence because anyone who pays a little attention to politics will inherently know these terms. Furthermore, if mandatory voting laws were to be enacted, our elections would be polluted by uninformed voters and irrational decisions. Most Americans will agree that they have better things to do than spending hours analyzing public policy and legislation. One’s professional or academic career, daily chores, responsibilities regarding children, and hundreds of other activities take up most of an American citizen’s time. If the only reason for conducting such research is to cast a more well-informed vote, then Americans will quickly realize there is very little importance for any given individual’s vote. There is not much incentive for any given citizen to be informed on the issues and each politician, and therefore the majority won’t spend the necessary time to make an informed decision. This is to be expected. We will never have a perfectly informed group of voters in any election, however, we can mitigate the negative effects of uninformed voters by keeping the voting process optional. Overall, mandatory voting laws would be detrimental to American politics because of misinformed and uninformed voters, and therefore should not be enacted.
Secondly, a mandatory voting law would satisfy the left’s political agenda, and would create an imbalance in our political system, which essentially contradicts democracy. According to Alan Greenblatt of Governing, a recent study of ballot measures in Switzerland found that compulsory voting boosted the progressive position by 20. Generally speaking the unemployed, the uneducated, and the poor lean left in terms of political standing, and also there is a higher percentage of the unemployed, the uneducated, and the poor that do not vote at all. This further supports the idea that compulsory voting would create an imbalance between the two major political parties, which would contradict the principles that democracy is based upon. A fantastic example of such an imbalance was during Franklin Roosevelt’s presidency. FDR was in office for twelve years, and this was due in part to the economic and social instability at the time. Another important reason for his length in office was the imbalance between the major political parties at the time. Regardless of whether or not FDR’s four terms were productive or not, I think that most of us can agree that if a person of opposing political views (than to any given individual) were to be in office for so long that individual would not be pleased. The length of FDR’s presidency was a consequence of the imbalance between the major political parties. While a single person can no longer go more than two terms under our constitution, a political party can and would if such an imbalance were to arise again. The disparity between parties that would arise through compulsory voting laws would be more permanent, however. Mandatory voting laws would lead to a larger group of uninformed voters and would tilt the political balance that is needed for a democracy to function.
Lastly, mandatory voting laws are an unjustified infringement of individual liberty. Hans von Spakovsky is an authority on issues such as civil rights, civil justice, the First Amendment, and immigration, and is an author for The Heritage Foundation. In a recent article Mr. Spakovsky articulated the inherent message of the First Amendment writing, “the right to speak, which is protected under the First Amendment, includes the right not to speak. And there is no question that we are speaking when we make our choices in the ballot booth. When we don’t vote, we are again making a choice, a choice not to speak that also sends a political message.” I agree with Mr. Spakovsky whole-heartedly; the First Amendment also protects our right not to speak. Mandatory voting infringes our First Amendment right to not speak. Furthermore, the Bill of Rights outlines that Americans have the right to liberty, and liberty is defined as “the state of being free within society from oppressive restrictions imposed by authority on one’s way of life, behavior, or political views.” To put a voting mandate seems to be a direct infringement of our liberty and therefore violates our First Amendment rights; to speak or not speak. Also, the Bill of Rights and the Fourteenth Amendment guarantees civil liberties to all. For these reasons, mandatory voting laws should not be enacted.
To conclude, mandatory voting laws should not be enacted because of the plethora of misinformed and uninformed people that would be forced to vote, because such legislation supports and favors a specific political agenda that would create a disparity between the major political parties, and such a policy is unconstitutional. If our country was built upon the foundation of “liberty and justice for all” then in the modern age, let us live up to these expectations that our founding fathers set forth and reject mandatory voting policies.

This is a satirical website. Don't take it Seriously. It's a joke.

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