East Hampton Taj Ma Town Hall will open on schedule in the spring of 2020.

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(WFIB) The East Hampton Taj Ma Town Hall will open on schedule in the spring of 2020. The building of the new town hall has been very controversial from its inception at a sparsely attended town council meeting. It was at that meeting an exploratory committee was authorized with funds totaling well over a hundred large that was raided from the mil rate stabilization fund. Finally a suitable location was found on 5.5 acres of free land that only cost the tax payers north of $700,000.00 dollars. During construction of the 18.7 million dollar building there were several instances of silt runoff into Lake Pocotopaug due to shoddy construction oversight. Town leaders did not think spewing silt into the lake was a big issue they just went all Milli Vanilli and blamed it on the rain. Go back 40 years or so and the town, by their actions or, should it be said lack of action, let the Baker Hill Development dump literally tons of silt into lake Pocotopaug. It was approximately one year to the day that the lake experienced its first algae bloom. It just so happens that the Baker Hill Development and the new Taj Ma Town Hall are within a stone’s throw of one another. Does the term Groundhog Day apply here?
Enough about the past. Let’s move into the future. The building itself will feature a large airy opening. This feature will serve no useful purpose other than take up much needed space. Already the BOE has stated there probably won’t be enough space to suit their needs. The parking lot will feature enough parking for a small fleet of resistance fighters, their X Wing space craft and the Millennium Falcon. Keep in mind the old town hall would see 3 to 4 cars at any giving on a good day.
Speaking of the old town hall. It has been listed for sale. The former town spin doctor, uh I mean former town manager constantly verbally trashed the place in the media and at town meetings. It will be interesting to see if the building actually sells. It was suggested that the old town hall could be turned into an upscale eatery. Of course the chances of that coming to fruition are slim to none. Sooner or later all eateries in East Hampton end up on Facebook being bashed for the cost of a cup of chocolate milk or my server was mean to me. Eateries have even been bashed prior to opening their doors.
So what’s the moral of the story here? A newly elected Town Council, BOE and BOF are in place. The former town council operated with a degree of opaqueness. What is needed going forward is transparency. Are the residents and our town leaders up for the challenge?

This is a satirical website. Don't take it Seriously. It's a joke.

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