E-Cigarettes. Are they being glamorized? Is Smoking back ?

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Over the course of the last 10 years, e-cigarettes have grown enormous popularity. As much as they have helped people to stop smoking by being given an alleged healthier option to use than smoking, the advertising seems to be glamorizing e-cigarettes. This glamorization of these products is exactly the reason cigarette adverts were banned in the 1970s. In a BLU advert (E-cigarette brand) the use of an e-cigarette is being glamorized in the sense that you can smoke it anywhere, it doesn’t leave a smoke smell but still, contains nicotine. Something which attracts a large audience of smokers.
E-cigarettes are designed by smokers for smokers but are also attracting the non-smoking audience through the glamorization of it. Before smoking adverts were banned, they portrayed how ‘cool’ or ‘classy’ smoking was. When the effect on people’s health smoking did was discovered smoking adverts and promotions of it were illegalised, in concern of the public’s health. For what it seems smoking promotion, is back. A new way to smoke, which is ‘healthier’ and better for the environment is coming onto our tv screens, making this new way to smoke seem better than ever. It is promoted by saying that everything you couldn't do with a cigarette before you can do with this now. Smoke inside, smoke around people and it smells nice due to the different range of flavours available.

The question is, how are these adverts affecting us and why are they being glamorized if they are still bad for your health? Smoking has always been seen as a glamorous and high-class thing to do it is quite the opposite in reality, but due to the high popularity in smoking, it is downed upon us as human beings to take on this habit.
These adverts do change our perspective on smoking, now it seems healthier in the short term, with documentaries on the topic supporting, you notice when watching the adverts and documentaries is the company always states that the product is targeted at adult smokers. No-one else but, the biggest problem with e-cigarettes is the mass number of teenagers getting addicted to nicotine because of smoking them. With no side effects and health effects yet discovered it is popular. When these types of products are advertised they become aware to people, especially to young teenagers.

The use of social media to promote these products has been done. With companies such as Juul reaching out to social media influencers to promote their product. The company has been even paying social media influencers to promote the products fully knowing that the audience base of that person is very well teenagers. Christina Zayas, a social media influencer received a request from Juul to promote their product on her social media. A representative asked her to try Juul's "premium e-cigarette and share your experience on your blog," saying it was an opportunity to work together "over several months."
"They liked my edgy style and that I appealed to the younger market," was one of the reasons Juul reached out to her, she says.
Christina admits being an occasional smoker, so she went forward and tested the product a week before she shared her opinion. She posted on an Instagram post and wrote a blog linking that in post. She was paid $1000. She got a positive response from her followers, people liked the post and wanted to purchase the product. This could greatly be a reason why vaping in high schools has increased to 80 and 50 in middle schools, according to the US Food and Drug Administration. The main reason it is also so popular with teenagers is the flavours you can buy for it, and that people like Christina are promoting the product to teenagers. The majority of the flavours Are sweet and childish they deliberately are targeted at the younger audience.
The way that smoking is slowing being glamorized and even being normalised is through content such as TV shows and movies. An adolescent is twice as likely to start smoking if they see it everywhere on TV. This mass communication through media is unexpected and dangerous to teenagers. Images have an impact. It is so massively portrayed in the content we see now that smoking is at risk to being normalised, and if not in the traditional sense which is just a normal cigarette then through e-cigarettes which could possibly be just as bad as we don’t understand and know the long term effects of it.

This is a satirical website. Don't take it Seriously. It's a joke.

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