A Girl Tells Her Story

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My name is Taylor baker and this is the only way that I could get my story out. I’m from Pittsburgh pa and I live there now.

1997-Just born
My mom and dad were very happy to have me. My dad said that I was a happy baby and that my mom would be proud of who I am today. I never met her but I put in my head that one day I will meet her. My dad said she was so pretty and that I looked just like her. She had blonde hair and blue eyes. She was short and she was funny he said.

My dad said that she died from cancer. She had got it 2 months after I was born and she just couldn’t deal with it anymore. My dad said that he wanted to kill himself but he had me to take care of. He told me that he didn’t talk to any girls after my mom because he didnt want me growing up calling another girl mom that wasn’t my mom.

My dad started to smoke cigarettes. He said that I would cry a lot and that he didn’t like to hear it that much but he delt with it. He said that he was happy that he met my mom and that he had me. I was happy when he told me that. My dad had went and robbed a bank when I was 2 so that he could pay rent and buy food for us to eat. He had got caught and they took him to jail. Then when they sentenced him they took him to prison.

I went to live with my uncle. He took me to see my dad everyday. I was happy when I saw his face. He would always make me laugh. My uncle told me the jokes that he would make to make me laugh. He would draw me pictures and I would keep them. I don’t have them anymore but I wish that I did.

When I turned 4, my uncle had got a job and we was living in a nice house. We had a pool and everything. He taught me how to swim and was still taking me to see my dad. My dad would still give me pictures but the police hated that I was aloud to see him. They tried to get me away from him one day when I found out he wasn’t coming home. When I found out what kind of place that it was.

When I turned 5, I got to have lunch with my dad and we drew pictures for each other. He was happy to see them and told me that I had talent. Since that day I kept drawing and drawing. I even started to sing at that age and I would start to dance.

When I turned 6, I remember coming home from school and my uncle gave me a necklace. It was all real. I took it and I was wearing it all the time. I thought that it meant that he just loved me and that it was a present for my early birthday. I didn’t know that it meant something else.

When I turned 7 I found out why he gave me that necklace. He started to touch me. I wanted to tell my dad but my dad was in prison so I don’t have much luck with that. I wanted to call him and tell him but what would I say.

When I turned 8 he raped me. When I went to school they asked me why I had a bruise and that’s when I told them what happened. They called the police and child protective services. They took me and they gave me to my aunt. She wasn’t going to be any better but I needed a place to go and I didn’t want to live with a different person.

When I turned 9 she would burn me with cigarettes if I didn’t listen. I went to school like that but they never knew about it because I always had them covered. I didn’t want to leave the house because I knew if I did that there would be a family that would hurt me.

When I turned 10 she would hit me. I told the school and they did the same thing as last time. Luckily I had another family member that could take me in. She had a house of her own but she was getting kicked out soon from her boyfriend. I was kinda scared to be honest. She made the house look good every time that they would come to see us.

When I turned 11 my dad had got out of prison and then I went to live with him. I was happy. He gave me all the pictures that he drew for me. I was happy that he was hear. He was the only one that taught me how to get through life.

When I turned 12 we had lost the house. We never told the school or anyone we just lived our live to the fullest till I was either gone or something bad happened. Everyday I was scared that they was going to take me. I had really though that I was hated and I felt like I wanted to kill myself. I just tried to keep calm as much as I could though just to get through it.

When I turned 13 I had almost ran away because me and my dad wasn’t getting along. He would yell at me for everything that I had did. He was getting worse. He only hated me because of my weight I was getting fater. A lot of people in school hated me to. My sisters were always like the most.

When I turned 14, I started to sign. After that I started to rap and make my own music. When people heard it they liked it and then they started to like me. They would never invite me to parties though. I found out that the whole time they was faking it.

At 15, I started to skip school and my dad almost kicked me out. He had went to jail because I wasn’t going to school. I ran away and lived in an abandoned place for a little bit. I didn’t want to get caught or be around any of my friends because then I know that they would tell. I just didn’t want to go to jail that was all. I wanted to live a good life but that really didn’t happen.

When I turned 16, I had finally got my license and a car. My dad had also kicked me out again so I lived in my car and got a job. I then saved up all of my money so that I could get a place. A few months later my dad had called me up and he took me back in. I was happy and went back to live with him.

When I was 17, I didn’t have a job because of my weight. Not many people liked me but I didn’t care. I started to go mudding so that I could get what my uncle and family did to me when I was younger. I tried to kill myself and started taking drugs. I started to do heroine.

When I turned 18 I told myself that I would do better and I went to rehab. I was happy when I got better my friends and back and my family wanted to talk to me again. I don’t know what I would do without them to be honest.

When I turned 19 I had told myself that I was going to loose weight but I never tried to do it on my own. I would just sit there and call myself worthless and ugly and fat ass. I had a boyfriend but he was very abuseive. He hit me like three times and then he left me. He tried to have a kid and then he said he would kill it.

I had got a job at home wear I babysat kids . A lot of moms liked me and a lot didn’t. I didn’t care I just wanted to make money and do right by myself and get a whole lot better than what I was. I knew that I could do it so I was going to try to do.

When I turned 21 I then began to loose weight and got down to wear I wanted. I felt good about myself and way better. My whole life was coming together and I even got a job. I love the job that I still have and I plan on staying there for a long time.

This year I will be 22. The point of this story is that this is the only way that I could tell y’all mine. And no matter what anyone does to you you are worth it and your beautiful. You can do what you put your mind to and you will not fail in gods eyes. We are all children of god and at the end of the day at least we know that he loves us. So don’t never say your not loved because all you have to do is look up at the sky and that’s how you know your loved. You’ll always be loved by our father god.

This is a satirical website. Don't take it Seriously. It's a joke.

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