Adam Morris Saved Lives By Handing Out "A Business Card." Grateful Clients Say "Thank You" Buy Providing $Millions In Business

This is a satirical website. Don't take it Seriously. It's a joke.

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This story has an ending that can actually inspire many of our readers.

Like many people, on November 23, 2018, Jessica Morely was driving with her 3 children to spend Thanksgiving with family. While turning down a secluded Florida road she was forced over the shoulder by the driver of a semi-trailer who didn’t notice her.

Her car slid into a waste deep pond where it became lodged in mud. As water began to enter her car she immediately smashed out her window, put her children on the roof, and then climbed upon the roof of her car to join her children.

She quickly noticed 2 medium sized alligators half submerged in water about 10 feet from her vehicle. “The pond was surrounded by trees and weeds. Even if someone were to pass by they wouldn’t have seen us. I was frightened for my life and the life of my children,” said Morely, 35, of Orlando, FL.

She reached for her phone to call for help and realized that the battery was dead. “I always forget to charge it while driving,” said the mother of 3. Then she remembered that in her purse she had a business card that she received from the owner of while in the checkout line at a local grocery store. This wasn’t just any ordinary business card. It was also a portable phone charger.

She reached into her car and grabbed her charging cable and after just a few minutes her phone had enough power to call for help. “If I hadn’t met that man in the checkout line last week things may have ended up quite differently for my children and me.”

We reached out to Adam Morris, Owner of , who said he wasn’t sure why he suddenly received an increase in local business. “I later found out that Jessica Morely told her story and showed her friends and family my business card. That extra word of mouth advertising gave my business a boost.”

Shauna Kelly of Winter Garden, FL suffers from narcolepsy, a neurological disorder that causes an individual to easily fall asleep—sometimes in inconvenient situations. On December 20, 2018, while walking down a nature trail she fell asleep against a tree. She was awakened by heavy rain. “It must have been raining for a while because portions of the trail were flooded. I had no idea where the trail was or which direction to go so I was completely disoriented.”

Kelly’s phone was dead. She had a business card phone charger in her fanny pack that she received from a local real estate agent. She charged her phone, called for help, and her family was able to assist police in finding her by tracking her mobile phone.

“I rarely keep business cards, but I kept this one. I don’t know what I would have done without it. I do know which real estate agent I’m going to let sell my house when the time is right.”

Spoiler Alert!: While these stories are fiction you can understand how they and similar situations could happen.

With Glowing LED Logo on one side and single or full color artwork on the other, this attractive “Business Card” Charges your clients' dead phones so they can call YOU! Hand these out as inexpensive gifts or tips and not only will your potential clients KEEP them, they’ll SHOW THEM OFF! When their phone runs out of juice they'll have YOU to thank! If interested please comment and contact me at [email protected]

This is a satirical website. Don't take it Seriously. It's a joke.

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