This is a satirical website. Don't take it Seriously. It's a joke.
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Situs resmi dewan perwakilan rakyat daerah indagiri hilir kali ini di retas oleh hacker yang memakai codename SanSORiugan.
halaman utama website nya kini berganti dengan pesan yang di buat oleh hacker tersebut
berikut isi pesan yang di sampaikan hacker tersebut
Selamat Datang di Indonesia!!! Dimana hukum Negara kita sangat sangat luar biasa!!!
Dimana hokum tersebut sangat TAJAM ke BAWAH dan sangat TUMPUL ke Atas!
Dan Selamat Datang di Indonesia dimana mental anak sekolahan pada cengeng! Mental tempe! Mental tahu! Colek sikit hancur! Anjayyyyy emosi gua nulisnya sob. Jadi hilang deh keimutan reza ini gara gara ini! (Kecuali anak PRAMUKA! Mental baja!)
Dijewer guru dikit lapor polisi, rambut kena razia terus dipotong lapor mamah papah terus bem bem bem guru masuk penjara!
Dimana semangat juang kita sebagai anak INDONESIA!? Semua pahlawan pahlawan kita mungkin sedang menangis disana, prihatin melihat keadaan bangsa yang sudah mereka perjuangkan selama ini hancur sia sia. Lihatlah Negara lain pada ngetawain kita terbahak bahak melihat hukum yang paling konyol sedunia!
Marilah sama sama kita membenahi Negara kita ini, tetapi mungkin akan terlalu berat bila kita yang membenahi Negara “Lah terus gimana kakak reza yang imut?” Nah oleh karena itu marilah kita mulai dengan membenahi diri kita sendiri terlebih dahulu, saya yakin jika kita semua mampu membenahi diri kita masing masing insyaallah pasti Negara kita akan kembali seperti dahulu kala! Dimana Negara kita sangat di hormati oleh Negara Negara lain! Dimana Negara kita dikenal sebagai Negara dengan semangat juang yang tinggi, dikenal sebagai Negara dengan hukum yang Mantap! Dan di kenal sebagai Negara yang memiliki generasi generasi potensial yang akan sangat berpengaruh bagi dunia kelak!
Semoga tulisan reza kali ini bisa memotivasi para pemerintah dan juga khususnya para muda mudi di Indonesia untuk lebih memperbaiki diri masing masing, semoga dengan tulisan ini juga dapat bermanfaat bagi seluruh mahkluk yang ada di bumi ini, hahahaha.
sampai berita ini di rilis website masih belum di perbaiki oleh admin website nya.
semoga peretasan ini tidak mengganggu aktivitas pelayanan pemerintah.
This is a satirical website. Don't take it Seriously. It's a joke.
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bigfoot sighting at jackson lake campground near oak hill ohio
Several eye witness reported seeing a large hairy animal of some kind near the Jackson lake campground. Local authorities are asking people to be cautious if you are planning on fishing near this area. One of the witnesses where able to snap a picture with their cell phone before the creature ran away near the Tommy Been rd area.
new york city woman loses her temper, causes black hole to swallow her entire town
Anna, 26, of New York City, DC was in the middle of an argument with a colleague when her temper got so out of control, it formed a small black hole, which demolished the vast majority of her neighborhood. "I just couldn't take it anymore, and unleashed my forces at the person who was irritating me. I had no idea the energy of my rage could cause such destruction," says Anna. Despite the ruination her anger has caused, Anna says she has no regrets. "I actually wish I knew I had this ability sooner!" Anna laughs. "There are a lot of people and things I could have eradicated from my life in this way."
whale spotted in illinois river
A humpback whale was spotted near Morris IL in the Illinois River today. The sighting comes just days after 2 Great White Sharks were seen frolicking in the same area. While not impossible, it does seem unlikely. It is thought that the whale may have followed the sharks as they sometimes do in the wild. The whale would of had to travel over 1250 miles to get to this location. The Marine Biologist Association will be in town for a full investigation. Until we have answers, we are asking folks to keep their pontoons and fishing boats docked.
two great white sharks found swimming in mississippi river near saint louis, missouri.
While it is not entirely impossible, it is incredibly uncommon for salt water dwelling creatures to stay for lengthy periods of time in fresh water. However, two Great White Sharks have managed to survive the trip and make their way up the Mississippi River somehow. Believed to have started as a mating couple, the two are assumed to have swam the 920 mile journey from the mouth of the Mississippi River that is connected to the Gulf Of Mexico. Officials in Saint Louis have contacted the Missouri Conservation Department and will likely have a team in the river soon to capture the two lost sharks.