Dak Presscot or Carson Wentz

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Dak Prescott sophomore phenomenon setting records by day beating teams by night. Or Carson Wentz leader of the 8 and 1 eagles and lead leader in touchdown passes. Comparing this year's stats the two or neck and neck. Carson Wentz leads Dak Prescott with 2,262 yards compared to 1,994 yards by Prescott and leads him in touchdown passes with his 23 compared to Daks 16. But Dak leads in completion percentage 63.3 compared to 60.5 and has thrown only 4 interceptions to Wentz's 5. Wentz leads in yards per attempt 7.8 to 6.9 and passer rating 104.1 to 96.3 but has gotten sacked 5 more times. Presscott has also scored 5 touchdowns rushing compared to Carson's 0 and leads in rushing yards 237 to 211. Dak has a career record of 18-7 and is 0-1 in the playoffs where Wentz is 0-0 in the playoffs and is a combined 15-10 Comparing the stats and with a Comitee of 7 voters these are the results they got and there descriptions
Wyatt Hobs- To me when I see these stats two things catch my eye. One Wentz leads in all the major statistical catagories yards touchdowns and passer rating. But yet he has less career wins and is in a program built around him. While Dak was put into a new scheme with new players and arrived from the start and though he doesn't have the stats that jump off the paper at you he is a team player who does what he needs to no matter what it is to win his team games. Dak Presscott
Lillian Rogel- This is plain and simple this year Wentz is better than Dak if not the best in the league. He protects the ball he leads his team down the field and where some quarterbacks struggle in the red zone he thrives so if I'm picking the better quarterback here. Carson Wentz
Todd Moran- This is like choosing between going to the super bowl or going to every single regular season game. Carson Wentz will explode one game then he won't even show up the next the guy is the least consistent quarterback playing the game. I say this because when he is on he's on. He will tear up your defensive for the next four quarters but when he isn't on his decision making is as if you just pulled him off the streets. He holds the ball to long throws balls he shouldn't and just collapses. While his competitor Dak Prescott might not have those explosive games as Carson Wentz but every quarter of every game you know you are going to get good quality football out of him for this reason I'm going to have to go with Dak. Dak Presscot
Andy Murray- Carson Wentz where do I start with this kid. He leads the league in touchdowns in his second year in the league and is near the top in yards. This kid is taking the league by storm. Sophomore year is when other teams get tape on you and your suppose to have on off year Carson Wentz took that and just threw it out the window and the crazy thing is he is just going to get better from here. Then there is Dak the most overated qb In the league. Look at his stats nothing that really shows he is as good as he was built up to be then look at the wins what happend to the super bowl 52 champion cowboys everyone was talking about before the season started. Carson Wentz
Barret Jones- Honestly I wish I could make my decision after these two face off against each other this Sunday but I can't so this is how I looked at it. Carson is leading the whole league and touchdowns and is close to that point in passing yards while Dak is not even close to the lead in either category. But when Dak has had a team around him he has strived and brought his team to a 13-3 season while Carson Wentz with a team is currently 8-1 but with a very easy schedule. I could go back and fourth all day on who is the elite but when it comes down to it I am going to have to go with the quarterback having success this year. Carson Wentz
Rudi Folan- This is as easy a questsion as it gets a game has 4 quarters and a season has 16 games I want a quarterback who I can rely on to play well in everyone of those quarters every game I may be losing the big play aspect but a balanced consistent offence helps to win important games. Dak Presscot
Landon Carrie- This is a very complex question that goes a lot deeper than the stats might show though Wentz leads in stats I would have to say In a big game I'm going to go with Dak Presscott because he is so much more reliable and has an aspect where he can make something out of nothing which Wentz excels at as well. But with Dak his legs are always a major threat which opens up so much more to that Cowboys team that might struggle in upcoming weeks because they can really key in on Dak now but I remain with my prediction they will sweep the Eagles and win the division because Wentz's streak of luck is bound to run out he is a amazing quarterback but needs to show more consistently and I can't wait to see him play a fierce cowboys defence but until I see him play a good 4 quarters against a good defence I am going to have to stick with Dak. Dak Presscot
Final Dak Presscot beats Carson Wentz 4-3

This is a satirical website. Don't take it Seriously. It's a joke.

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