Irish Prime Minister Responds to President Trump's new Immigration Ban

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Irish Prime Minister Enda Kenny expressed shock and dismay with Mr. Trump's new policy which will reduce Irish Citizens applying for immigration to the United States from 250,00 citizens per year to 5,000 citizen beginning in January of 2018.

"Who does this former game show host think he is to demean and disrespect the hardworking people of Ireland seeking a better future for themselves and family?" In a bitter twist of irony, it was determined last week that the niece of the Irish Prime Minister was arrested and charged with felonious assault on a law enforcement officer in Berkeley, California last week. It is further alleged that Finona Applegate is an active member of the alternate leftist group known as ANTIFA which advocates the overthrow of the American Government.

Prime Minister Kenny added; "although I do not have an appointment to see this Jackass, I will not leave Washington, DC until a resolution is reached. Furthermore, If no progress in made, my party will enact legislation imposing an American Tourist Tariff of 75."

Jack Underall of the European Union immediately denounced Mr. Kenny's comments about a tourist tariff as unconstitutional but remains hopeful an agreement of sorts can be reached.

In an embarrassing move, it was reported by the Associate Press that Ireland's equivalent of Air Force One is not equipped with a lavatory making the trans Atlantic crossing uncomfortable at best. It seems that the Jet operated by the Irish Air Carrier Aer Lingus is forced to stop for a comfort break on the Labrador Coast in Canada. More Details to follow.

This is a satirical website. Don't take it Seriously. It's a joke.

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