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Editor (E) :What is your name & where do you heal from?

Joseph (Jk) : My name is Joseph Kalimbwe and I grew up on the Copperbelt.

Editor: What are your hobbies?

JK: I love reading books because I learn from them on how to write. I read close to 12 books each year from a spectrum of fields. I also watch too many documentaries when am free. From the Fall of the Berlin Wall in 1988 to the Michel Gorbachev rule in today's modern day Russia. I also follow world events on CNN when am home in Khomasdal. I know it sounds funny but I never slept during the night of the US Elections. I spent a night alone in the old hostel boys tv room following election updates. Months earlier, I watched all the republican & democratic debates from the primaries to presidential. It was great to see changes in the electoral college votes, I had waited for it for close to a year.

But my most interesting reads in books is Micheal Wrong's "Its our turn to eat" where he blew the whistle on corruption in Kenya. Another is Dambisa Moyo's "Dead Aid" where she talks about Africas need to do away with western aid. These alongside Chika Onyeoni's "Capitalist Nigger" are books i can recommend to any young person who longs for an improvement. It sounds old school for young people isn't it?

Editor: Yes, it does! At 22 you have two books and writting several newspaper articles. How did you start?

JK: Yes but you cannot everyone to have similar likes. Others like music, others like sports. I like reading books, writing articles and helping other people move close to their dreams.

I saw the need of writing in 2011-2012. I was 17,18 then and fresh from high school. I was working selling phones for Zamtel and we would make close to K500 a month but get paid K210 at the monthend. So i asked my boss why he was mistreating his workers. I convinced my colleagues to stop the injustices because they were also troubled by that. We put the boss under presure and contacted his seniors until change arrived. His senior intervened and it was discovered that he involved in corrupt activities. My colleagues began to enjoy those fruits but my friend and were removed from group for speaking for colleagues. They began to get paid really well for their age but I couldn't go back. It was then that I realized the many injustices sorrounding young people and I began to put that in black and white.

I was also troubled by the behaviour of too many young people of my age 15-20 who were constantly engaging western ideas, trying to fit what they see on television deep in the heart of Africa. That prompted me to write my first book," Teenage-hood and the impact of the westen world" at 18. Because "some" youths in Africa have an unrealistic expectations of the future, they believe what is shown on reality television by people on the other side of the world can translate into success oceans away in Africa. It's only when we accept our everyday struggles and let reality sink in that we achieve our long held ambitions.

Editor: Where are your parents & do your parents read your books, articles or do they even know you write?

JK: My father and Mother passed when I was very little. I think 3 and 11 years respectively. I do miss mum sometimes but I was too little to appreciate her existence. I cannot miss Mr. Kalimbwe because I never got to meet him nor his lineage.

But I was raised by my wonderful uncle and aunt who have become my dear parents since I was kid and have been the bedrock of my strength ever since. I never told them about my writing but they have heard about it. They told me it gives them some pride. But honestly I don't like talking to my parents about these things so they cannot expect much from me or my young brother. That way we can work freely. I do consult them on each and single thing going on.

Editor: Ooh that's a long one, of the two books which one is your favourite?

JK: Without doubt "The pain of an Empty stomach", because I was more mature then and had read many books. I made a target of reading at least 6 books during my December recess and am glad I managed. However since holiday I only read 2 because I was only home for 2 weeks. My first book has a lot of errors but I don't want to amend them so the work can reflect the 18 year old that I was.

Editor: Talking about books, which ones do you read most?

JK: I usually read books about the African Struggles through Micheal Wrong who blew the whistle on the Kenya Corruption. And also read about politics a lot, the Prince of the Great Machiavelli, the Courage of JFK and the Lincon rise to power.

My friends and young brother sometimes laugh at me for being old in a young man's mind. My young brother was telling sometime back that am an old man at 22 but I have denied myself so many youthful times to do things. I used to laugh at my Dad for watching news networks but they are my favourites now, I also watch news and documentaries.

Editor: You also write in the Namibian Sun?

JK: Yes I do, it's a great experience. There is what we call Astute Conversations on page of the Sun every tuesday. It was founded by Mr. Job Amupanda, I usually edit the articles from the students and young people. It's a humbling experience everyday to be part of the Astute.

Editor: Although this is about writing, tell us your leadership experiences?

JK: I began student leadership in high school where I was LRC (Prefect). I attended a government school on the East of Ndola. It was one of the most underrated school, teachers never really cared about. So we had to learn how to get things for ourselves. It was a tough experience for a 15, 16 year old but those are the effects faced by most students at government schools. Governments do not motivate teachers to work hard and improve the education system.

When I came to the University of Namibia (UNAM), I become a class representative and helped my classmates in ways i thought was best possible. We had a lot of problems as a class and the faculty (Economics) was putting a lot on our shoulders. So i asked my classmates to give me their votes to be a class rep and i remember getting 54 votes.

When the Student Representative Council (SRC) elections loomed, my friends encouraged me to run but I couldn't because I knew very little about the broad student problems besides the little struggles of my classmates. I was also fresh with the UNAM environment. So i didn't want to get into SRC unprepared because I could let down the students who voted.

The following year I stood for SRC and with the help of great friends and grateful classmates with whom I had served, we rallied students to support and vote for us. In the end we got 1021 votes in the SRC elections and won a seat in the student parliament as SRC External 2016.

In the council, I meet great young and energetic minds who inspired me with the drive to serve students before others. My colleagues were nothing but great throughout 2016. Towards the end of the 2016 academic year my friends and some colleagues encouraged me to run for SRC Vice President, I spent close to one month reminiscing over it. Finally I decided to write a document stating the student issues at UNAM main campus and how I thought of solving them. I then applied for the post and got through after the other 3 candidates couldn't qualify. I will thus serve in the SRC as Vice President for 2017.

Editor: Do you think writing can change things?

JK: It's can or it cannot, it can go either ways. The thing with writing or reading books is that not so many people have interest in them. Thats the reality we should never hide from each other. Some young people are too occupied with finding their feet in the world and searching for greener pastures and I cannot blame them for that. Its choices we make in life, you can do exceptionally well in your academic studies and even graduate, search for all those money cultured possessions and never care about the struggles of others so long as they don't directly affect you. Or you can choose the hard way of helping others whenever you. The only disadvantage is that not everyone will appreciate you trying and not everyone will want you there. Therefore, you need to have trust able people around you.

Editor: Thats inspirational, who and what inspires you?

JK: I have always never wanted to go outside our home to look for a raw module. My parents taught me about the values of hard work and putting other people's problems as equally important. My parents have been a source of inspiration over the years.

Editor: What is next for 2017?

JK: To serve the students the best way I can and concentrate on my studies.

Editor: With all those responsibilities at a young age don't you think it's best to give yourself time to relax while young?

JK: Well I have not really had a stress free time since grade 8 at Northrise Primary. I had just failed the first term terribly, coming out 2nd lowest in a class of 34. I was not free with myself, so I used to hide from my failures. I then began to study and emerged 10th the next term and 5th the other. I stated to have sleepless nights of study and in Grade 9 first term, I came out 1st and maintained that number for 2 terms. So the embarrassment that came with grade 8 failing woke me up and gave me a reality check and I have not turned back since. It's been a turning point.

Editor: Lastly, with all the stress, do you have a girlfriend?

JK: Mmmmm yes I do. I have a wonderful Oshiwambo girlfriend who understands me in every way. She grew up in the North and always tells me those wonderful stories up north.

Am always busy with either school work or student issues or Astute Articles. I only get 4 hours of sleep. But she loves me despite my little time and knows whenever am busy or doing my work I don't like being disturbed so I can finish the work I began on that particular day. Whenever I feel down she lifts up my spirit. She is a smart young lady who inspires me with her dedication to get things done in her young life.

Editor: Mr. Kalimbwe, thank you for taking time to talk to us. From all of us here at we wish you the very best.

JK: It's my pleasure sir, wishing you the best too. (a) 2017

This is a satirical website. Don't take it Seriously. It's a joke.

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